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TRANSPORTATION: A SUPPLY CHAIN PERSPECTIVE, 8E equips you with a solid understanding of what is arguably the most critical'and complex'component of global supply chains. It explains the fundamental role and importance of transportation in companies and in society, as well as the complex environment in which transportation service is delivered. Providing a framework and foundation for the role of transportation in supply chains, it offers an overview of the operating and service characteristics, cost structure, and challenges faced by today's providers of transportation. It also highlights a variety of critical transportation management issues, providing insight into the strategic activities and challenges involved in the movement of goods through the supply chain. Completely up to date, TRANSPORTATION emphasizes global topics throughout, includes the latest coverage of hard and soft technology, and offers in-depth discussions of fuel, energy, managerial, economic, and environmental issues.

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It will also explore market demand and highlight best practices and innovations in active transportation."Big Data is a new field, with many technological challenges to be understood in order to use it to its full potential.Find out the answers to these questions and more as Jack and Annie track the facts about their favorite creatures from myths and legends.What guides print culling philosophies?Of the papers submitted, 42 full papers and 11 short papers were selected for presentation at the conference.Delia's new house isn't just a house.Ultimately, customers want to know that their experience matters, and Edwards offers sound advice about how to convey this message to customers by paying attention to detail and making the little things count.Entrepreneurs are the seductive go-between.