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Read online A Plea for the Animals : The Moral, Philosophical, and Evolutionary Imperative to Treat All Beings with Compassion by Matthieu Ricard DOC, MOBI


"The author comprehensively examines all areas of animal abuse as well their negative environmental effects, and he argues in favor of vegetarianism and its nutritional viability; but he equally targets the abhorrent aspects of experiments on animals by science and the many ways animals are reduced and abused as objects of amusement, from captivity in zoos to enslavement as pets. A section exposes the unimaginable abominations practiced as part of the international trade in exotic fauna and animal products (e.g., bear bile, rhinoceros horns, elephant tusks). And he devotes an entire chapter to the cruelties and absurdities of bullfighting. Matthieu's book differentiates itself from others in this field by being a complete and general indictment of the execrable treatment of animals by humans in our world today, of the moral bankruptcy that allows it, and its deleterious environmental effects.", A powerful and wide-ranging indictment of the treatment of animals by humans--and an eloquent plea for animal rights. Every cow just wants to be happy. Every chicken just wants to be free. Every bear, dog, or mouse experiences sorrow and feels pain as intensely as any of us humans do. In a compelling appeal to reason and human kindness, Matthieu Ricard here takes the arguments from his best-sellers Altruism and Happiness to their logical conclusion: that compassion toward all beings, including our fellow animals, is a moral obligation and the direction toward which any enlightened society must aspire. He chronicles the appalling sufferings of the animals we eat, wear, and use for adornment or "entertainment," and submits every traditional justification for their exploitation to scientific evidence and moral scrutiny. What arises is an unambiguous and powerful ethical imperative for treating all of the animals with whom we share this planet with respect and compassion.

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Whether it is Rose's brilliant and methodical herding ability, Mother the cat's keen mousing instincts, or Izzy's canine compassion toward hospice patients, Katz is mesmerized to see in them individual personas and sparks of self-awareness.However, recent evidence challenges the Copernican Principle, hinting that we do in fact live in a special place, at a special time, as the product of a chain of unlikely events.They allowed Pappenheim to be reborn, transformed, serving as a kind of "writing cure".Unsure of the best way to battle the unseen enemy, she embarks on some experiments to create a healthier life for her family.They teach us to accept life's struggles and to cherish its pleasures and the importance of being able to accept ourselves and respect others.This book examines Derrida's contribution to this long-standing philosophical and political debate, which has typically evoked a significant division between human beings and other animals.