Read online ebook Mary C. Austin - Bibliographies and Indexes in World Literature: Literature for Children about Asians and Asian Americans : Analysis and Annotated Bibliography, with Additional Readings for Adults 12 in DJV, FB2


This work on children's literature about Asians and Asian-Americans is an exemplary bibliography for teachers, librarians, and others responsible for selecting and recommending suitable reading materials for children and young adults to increase their knowledge and understanding of Asian peoples and cultures. The presence of children of all ethnic groups in American schools has made reading about other cultures an essential part of the curriculum. Public libraries serving a multiethnic community will also find this bibliography a helpful readers' guide. "ARBA" This bibliography devoted to literature for young people by and about Asians and Asian Americans, provides an overview of children's literature, both fiction and nonfiction, for each ethnic group, an annotated bibliography of books for children and young adults, and an annotated bibliography of books for adults, helpful in expanding their knowledge about selected groups. Separate chapters are devoted to each major group, in which Jenkins and Austin discuss and give examples of both its folklore and contemporary literature. Each discussion is followed by an annotated list of books in a variety of categories, such as Single Tales and Collections, Contemporary literature, Picture Books, Fiction, and Non-Fiction. Suggested grade levels for introducing each book are included, with the suggestion that children's interests and abilities should determine whether or not a book is also suitable for other grade levels. In addition, there are glossaries of unusual or special terms and historical highlights, designed to help relate stories to particular historical periods.

Bibliographies and Indexes in World Literature: Literature for Children about Asians and Asian Americans : Analysis and Annotated Bibliography, with Additional Readings for Adults 12 EPUB, MOBI, FB2

This book will come as a necessary and welcome addition to the libraries of therapists from different theoretical orientations and with differing levels of experience who encounter family violence in their practice." --Contemporary Psychology.The most comprehensive overview of child abuse and neglect available.There follows a complete listings of works and performances and a discography of commercially produced recordings.It asks whether race is skin-deep, actable or even fakeable, and it does so with huge wit and brio." -"TimeOut London" "A pungent play of ideas with a big heart.The updates will be delivered to you via a FREE Web Edition of this book, which can be accessed with any Internet connection.